upcoming events
Money Matters, an APH sponsored webinar series, begins May 17, 2016. Click here for more information or here to register.
Print Production Workflow In-Depth, an APH sponsored webinar series, is planned for the third quarter of 2016. Click here for more information or get in touch to be notified when it is scheduled.
If you would like to receive notification of upcoming training events, please get in touch.
These short presentations introduce the topic of personal histories and private digital archiving to the general public through organizations and community groups.
- personal histories—everybody’s got a story
- private publishing is not vanity
- becoming your family’s archivist
- getting started on your digital archiving project
If you would like me to speak to your group, please get in touch and let’s talk about the specifics.
shoebox learning resources
Following are downloads and links to material in the areas of book thinking & book design, digital archiving & photo restoration, workflow & project management.
Free downloads

photoshop essentials
Efficient practices and workflow tips for scanning and enhancing photos as well as annotated resources

indesign essentials
Efficient practices and workflow tips for using InDesign as well as annotated resource listing.
Books—of course!
Graphic Design
the designer’s desktop manual
by james simmons Information Architecture

information design
robert jacobson [editor]

the practical guide to information design
applying theory to practice

the visual display of quantitative information
2nd edition by edward r. tufte Book Design

structure of the visual book
fundamental reading 1

text in the book format
fundamental reading 2

on book design
A guided tour through the minds of experienced book designers. Typography

the pc is not a typewriter
by robin williams

designing with type
a basic course in typography by james craig

stop stealing sheep
& find out how type works by erik spiekermann & e.m. ginger Photographs

photoshop restoration & retouching: 3rd edition
by katrin eismann Workflow Digital Archiving

the digital shoebox: how to organize, find, and share your photos
by sarah bay williams

the DAM book: digital asset management for photographers
by peter krogh Business Creative Process

the creative habit
learn it and use it for life by twyla tharp Writing Memoirs & Personal History Simply Gorgeous Books

500 handmade books
inspiring interpretations of a timeless form, lark 500 series

the greatest gift one generation can give to another by andrew zuckerman
Especially for personal historians
Sample & Gift BooksThese books might be of interest to you as samples of different ways to present personal histories or to use as gifts for prospects or clients.

This is the second in the series of Culinary Memoirs Judith Kolva and I are producing. Judith gathered and wrote the stories, I pulled together the photos and produced the book as a variation on the design developed in We Remember Donna. It was designated a staff pick on blurb.com where it is available for purchase.

This was my first collaboration with Judith Kolva, another APH member and owner of Memoir Shoppe. Judith wanted to develop a prototype for a niche product that could be easily marketed and produced. Judith coordinated the story and photo contributions of 39 people and edited the material. I scanned and enhanced all the images,developed the book structure and designed the pages. In order for people to easily order the book after its initial printing, we chose to publish it on blurb.com where it is available for purchase.
Tips Booklets
Forms & Business Rationales
To help you get on top of some of the pesky details of a book production project, as well as to help you explain some of the issues to your clients, the following free forms and rationales are available for you to download as read-only .pdf files. These items are downloaded in Adobe Acrobat PDF read-only format. You will need an Adobe Reader to view them. If you do not have the latest Adobe Reader, one is available free of charge from Adobe.Please note: All items are copyright © by Shoebox Stories. They are for the private use of the individual or business downloading them, and are not to be reproduced in public or promotional media or altered in any way without express written permission. Any other use or reproduction is a violation of United States Copyright Laws, and is prohibited.